Now i think I have made it easier for everybody to sign... let's se if I can get the direct democratic party itself to sign at least....
In this moment, politicians all over the world are making decisions, but they too often decide against us, the people, and they plunder, they suppress, and they pollute the planet.
That is why Avaaz exists. That is why Avaaz has to reach out in every moment, to beg for your signature.
We still all have to reach out in every moment together with Avaaz to save this and to save that from destruction, hoping that they will listen to us and we will have a positive result.
They are few, and we are many, and still we are the ones begging. Did you ask yourself why? Do you want real and positive change?
Now. We live in the 21st century. Millions of transactions and decisions, every day, are being taken by people through Internet. Banks, companies, organizations and Avaaz.
Yes. We can keep signing petitions, every time the politicians are planning something dirty. Something dirty that we have to beg them to make pure. But do you really believe this can be called a modern democracy of the 21st century?
That is why we should all stand up now, in this moment, together as one powerful force, and show them that we are willing to take charge.
Ask yourself now if you want to be able to replace bad politicians, recalling them, and replacing them with a click of a mouse button, and do you want to be able to vote directly, to make sure the politicians are eager, to fulfill the will of us, the many?
Now is the time, if you want to be able to put new, and better people in charge. Now is the time to sign this petition, that stands before you.
By signing this together we all hope that we will have a better planet and that we won't have to sign so many petitions protecting the animals, the people and the environment all the time. We hope this will lead to a better focus on developing good things together with good politicians, putting all our energy in positive cooperation instead.
Best regards
Name, Organisation, Country, homepage, blog, e-mail.
Martin Gustavsson, Aktiv Demokrati, Sweden,,,
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