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1. Transparent Open Public Principles
Transparent, open and public principles supplement each other in defining the fundamental standards of a genuinely democratic organization.
1.1. Transparency?
A transparent organization must ensure full, accurate, and timely disclosure of actions and information. Its actions and their justifications must remain intelligible and clear.
Users are able to fully audit any decision, information, process or other feature of the organization. It therefore implies keeping a record of discussions, decisions, documents and any other supporting material in an accessible format. An elaborated, total and integral decision making process must be defined in accordance with TOP principles. Practically, one who doesn't know anything about the organization should be able to gain full knowledge of it, to the point that the organization and its information could be duplicated should one wish to do so.
1.2. Open?
An open organization, process, action or otherwise can be changed by any person or entity under the condition that the result of such a change remains open. Open action gives every person or entity the opportunity to get involved in the process and propose alterations.
This implies that any open system must be opensource. Furthermore, discussions, processes, deliberations, documents and any other feature must remain openstanding.
1.3 Public?
A public organization, its processes, information and actions must be accessible without censorship or restrictions to any member of the public. Accessibility must be ensured at all times over the internet. Information must be organized so as to allow quick and effective access. Public information should be available in a clearly articulated form so as to be accessible to non-specialists.
An uncensored public forum must be made available for comments on the organization itself. This forum must be maintained so that it remains transparent, open and public according to the definitions in this document.
2. Conclusion
An entity is TOP and can thus become a certificate? if it demonstrates it functions in accordance with transparent, open and public principles according to this document and has an elaborated integral decision making process.
3. References
TiAktiv: Osnovna definicija v.0.09, on-line ... &Itemid=51
This is only a part of the general definition of TOP. The whole definition will hopefully be on-line soon. This document is openstanding which means it's always open for discussion.
The TOP Politics group was started with the goal of creating a network of different initiatives which reside on the TOP (Transparent Open Public) principles of political activities. We hope that we will soon be able to share concepts, ideas and suggestions about the Internet as a media, OpenSource as a paradigm and Democracy as the ultimate goal. This wiki is here for you to share information. Please participate !
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Jag har inte sett ngt liknande dokument ngn annanstans och anser det vara helt unikt.
En certifiering har diskuterats och jag hoppas att Aktivdemokrati kan bli en av de allra första att klara en sådan.
På sikt kommer alla partier och myndigheter som inte har denna certifiering att framstå som oseriösa och korrumperade.